Allows you to search a variety of questions and answers
For RH-based servers, you can do the following at command prompt as root:
vi /etc/redhat-release
For ALL *nix based operating systems, you can issue the following command:
cat /proc/version
I've been a client of AYK Solutions for about six months now. They have provided the best overall experience I have had in over 10 years. I've tried iWeb, SingleHop, and a few others supposed to be the so-called best. Specifically, you are dealing with personal, professionals with AYK Solutions, and they are willing to help when all others want to charge you $** for this and $**/hr for that. I'm happy, and have no plans of going anywhere else; ever.
Great response time and excellent service. I've been with AYK for nearly a year now and I couldn't be happier. If you're ready to make the step up from budget hosting to someone that can still work with you to spec out a server for your needs at an extremely competitive price, shoot these guys an email and see what they have available. You will not regret it. With datacenters located all ove r the globe they're certain to have something for you.. or they'll just build it