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1. Login to shell as root and go to the /etc directory
# cd /etc
2. View the contents of this directory.
# ls -a
3. You should have two files, one named hosts.allow and the other hosts.deny. Open the hosts.deny file using your favorite editor (I prefer vi).
# vi hosts.deny
4. On a new line, put ALL:ALL. This will disable all access to your system, best form of defense. Save the file and exist (for more information on how to us vi, type 'man vi' at the command prompt).
5. To allow certain users access, edit the hosts.allow file by adding the user's IP address.
For more information go to:
I recently switched to AYK Solutions from Softlayer for my dedicated server requirements. I received a much better specification server at significantly reduced cost from what Softlayer could offer me, with many of the previously 'extra' features at Softlayer included in the base price offered by AYK. The support was second to none, and they were extremely helpful in transferring all of my old server accounts over for no additional fee whatsoever.
Great host, have tried many they're certainly a top choice for me. Premium bandwidth, great prices, 100% stable, and great support.
Good Cooperation The datacenter is very co-operating, and provides immediate response.