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Download rpmforce from
eg CentOS 5 64bit
rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm
yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel lame lame-devel flvtool2 libogg libogg-devel libvorbis libvorbis-devel mplayer
svn co https://ffmpeg-php.svn.sourceforge.n...oot/ffmpeg-php ffmpeg-php
cd ffmpeg-php/trunk/ffmpeg-php
make install
edit php.ini change extension_dir from extension_dir ="./" to extension_dir =""
and add extension= "" affter line ;extension=php_zip.dll
Restart apache
I very seldom contact support, but if I do, the response is always prompt and issues are always resolved.
I've been a client of AYK Solutions for about six months now. They have provided the best overall experience I have had in over 10 years. I've tried iWeb, SingleHop, and a few others supposed to be the so-called best. Specifically, you are dealing with personal, professionals with AYK Solutions, and they are willing to help when all others want to charge you $** for this and $**/hr for that. I'm happy, and have no plans of going anywhere else; ever.
good service/support We have been with AYK for years. Good pricing/support. No complaints.