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Download rpmforce from
eg CentOS 5 64bit
rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm
yum install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel lame lame-devel flvtool2 libogg libogg-devel libvorbis libvorbis-devel mplayer
svn co https://ffmpeg-php.svn.sourceforge.n...oot/ffmpeg-php ffmpeg-php
cd ffmpeg-php/trunk/ffmpeg-php
make install
edit php.ini change extension_dir from extension_dir ="./" to extension_dir =""
and add extension= "" affter line ;extension=php_zip.dll
Restart apache
good service/support We have been with AYK for years. Good pricing/support. No complaints.
I have been with ayksolutions for around 5 years and have been thoroughly impressed with them. All support tickets are answered within minutes, regardless of the time of day. Prices are very reasonable, especially considering the support and services they provide. They are constantly doing crazy deals for servers as well. If you're looking for someone good and reliable to host with, from shared hosting to dedicated servers, I easily recommend ayksolutions.
You can trust your business with AYKsolutions After a horrible experience with my prior host that left me with over 14 hours of downtime, AYKSolutions came in, took care of the transfer completely and made my life easier. When they say their servers are semi-managed, it means they take care of more then most managed server hosting companies. Average ticket response time? 2-5 minutes. One time i n the middle of the night it took 30 minutes. Problems that I create are fixed immediately and they take care of their customers. Artyom is the owner, who is somehow capable of not sleeping. He's always there to take care of everything with a personal touch. 3 AM on a Saturday? Not an issue for AYKSolutions. Trust me, I'm very thorough in researching a company. When it comes to business, you can never be too careful. I trust my business with AYKSolutions