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To disable all pings to your server, please follow these steps:
1. Login to your server as root via ssh and open up the /etc/sysctl.conf file using #vi /etc/sysctl.conf command.
2. At the end of the file, add net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1 to disable ping. To enable use '0' instead of '1'.
3. Then restart the network using /etc/init.d/network reload
That's it!
I recently switched to AYK Solutions from Softlayer for my dedicated server requirements. I received a much better specification server at significantly reduced cost from what Softlayer could offer me, with many of the previously 'extra' features at Softlayer included in the base price offered by AYK. The support was second to none, and they were extremely helpful in transferring all of my old server accounts over for no additional fee whatsoever.
AYK Solutions has provided me with a very cost effective hosting service with great uptime and lots of features. I would not hesitate to recommend them!